PFLAG Council of Northern Illinois

PCNI Conference Sponsorship

PCNI Conference Sponsorship

Sponsorship Level

Join us in supporting the biennial conference of the PFLAG Council of Northern Illinois, our biggest and most impactful event! 

Your sponsorship helps us continue our mission to promote the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals, their families, and friends through support, education, and advocacy.

By sponsoring our conference, you'll be joining a community of advocates dedicated to fostering a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed. Your support helps us:

  • Take care of the conference operating costs - all to bring the best education and advocacy to members, partners, allies and guests!
  • Pay honorariums for our speakers and facilitators
  • Offer swag to extend the conference memories 
  • Provide scholarships for attendees in need
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